Char Chit Chat

Char Chit Chat
Podcast Description
Char Chit Chat is created by Dylan Graves and explores char in New Zealand and beyond. The podcast aims to interview a range of people involved in biochar, activated charcoal, carbon anodes, and so on. The main subject will tend to be biochar as that is most accessible and scales from individuals making char in their woodstove over the winter to large industrial pyrolysis units outputting several tonnes per day. Biochar is also a great soil conditioner and improver and so is relevant to gardeners and famers alike.
An introduction and overview of Biochar:
Podcast Insights
Content Themes
The podcast primarily focuses on biochar and its broad uses, ranging from home production methods to large-scale industrial applications. Episodes such as the one featuring Dennis Enright delve into sustainable agricultural practices and the significant role biochar can play in enhancing soil quality. Other episodes, like the one with Phil Stevens, explore innovative use cases for biochar, including its potential in environmental decontamination and discussions on making biochar more widely adopted.

Char Chit Chat is created by Dylan Graves and explores char in New Zealand and beyond. The podcast aims to interview a range of people involved in biochar, activated charcoal, carbon anodes, and so on. The main subject will tend to be biochar as that is most accessible and scales from individuals making char in their woodstove over the winter to large industrial pyrolysis units outputting several tonnes per day. Biochar is also a great soil conditioner and improver and so is relevant to gardeners and famers alike.
An introduction and overview of Biochar:
Joany is one of the founders of The Good Carbon Farm and we chat about how she got into biochar, the work her charity is involved in, and what she looks forward to for the future.
The Good Carbon Farm on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Projects mentioned in the chat:
Oke school gardens (
Restoring Takarunga Hauraki (
Slash for Cash, Tolaga Bay (
Enviroschools (
Upper Hutt community gardens (
Victoria University Wellington industry Alliance Programme (
An introduction and overview of Biochar:
The national biochar association in NZ: (BNNZ)
Intro sounds:

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